Cover Biden

Whole Bird Communications Inbox - Email     June 28, 2020 at 8:31 AM

FYI – Former VP Joe Biden is Running for President


Hello News Media Powers-That-Be (yes, you too, FOX),

Good morning. I wanted to give you all a heads up, Joe Biden is running for President.

I wasn’t sure if you’d gotten the memo because I haven’t really seen any coverage of him campaigning. He has held a couple of virtual events and was out and about during the protests. I know, you covered his speech on race, but I figure you did that because he used to be Vice President to President Obama and you love covering absolutely anything related to President Obama.

So, in case you didn’t know, Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party and President Trump’s main competitor for the presidency. As of June 28, 2020, the former Vice President is ahead of President Trump by an average of 10 points in national polls and is leading by 1-10 points in 6 battleground states, including Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and he has a small lead in Georgia and Texas, so I feel confident classifying him a serious contender. Having said that, the polls are not entirely consistent and have been changing over the last few months, so be assured that it is a real race and I think worthy of reporting.

Anyway, just wanted to make sure you knew. I will look forward to seeing much more coverage now that you’re looped in.
