
Candidate & Issue Campaigns

For Experienced and First-Time Candidates & Crusaders

Some nuts are harder to crack than others. I was once fortunate to get some excellent training in this regard while working on a water project. We had little lead time and needed to mobilize widespread industry support to defeat a threatening piece of legislation. Using targeted messaging, we galvanized the California water industry behind our efforts. Critically, we did not limit ourselves to those who favored the project; we broadened our reach and narrowed our message, approaching those who might see the danger posed by the bill, if not the benefits presented by the project. Together, we achieved success, earning respect and consideration from project supporters and skeptics alike. It was a campaign waged with honesty and integrity, qualities I bring to every project and client.

Create A Plan

A plan to get results, from garnering public attention to changing the law.

Craft A Message

Messages that resonate with your audience, community, influencers, lawmakers, and the press.

Digital & Social

Digital and social media tools that will influence the influential.

Persuade Lawmakers, Change a Law

Lawmakers who have the power to make the change you seek—in city, state, and federal government.