
Political, Legal & Sundry

Unique blend of political and legal expertise to provide you the guidance and advice you need. Helping you distill meaning from a jumble of information.

Speechmaking & Debates

Providing guidance on how best to get your message across with your speeches and presentations:

Sharpening your drafts.

Coaching you on delivery & style for your best speechmaking, moderator, or debate performance.

Preparing debate notebooks and debate-ready policy positions.


For first-time or veteran candidates, providing guidance on how to launch a campaign, from calendaring dates to meet filing and reporting deadlines to finding a treasurer, fundraiser & campaign manager to identifying your audience, crafting your story, and honing your message.


Issue Campaigns

Providing guidance on the best plan for bringing the change you seek. Helping you identify your audience, research your issue, get to know the relevant players, galvanize support, persuade skeptics, and make change.


Providing advice on which legislators to approach and how to make your argument in order to solve your problem or change a law.


Campaign Logistics

Filing Deadlines

Reporting Requirements

Campaign-Finance Law

Ethics Law and the Brown Act

Election Law