
Persuasive In Print And Voice

★ Craft Messages. Messages that resonate with community, lawmakers, the press.

★ Broadcast Messages. Digital communications broadcast via social media.

★ Pitch to the Press. Pitching your story to broadcast your message.

★ Public Speaking. Delivering your message to legislators, small groups, assemblies.

★ Debate Prep. Prepare debate materials, advise on delivery & style.

Saving the world, one good message at a time.

I offer an inquisitive, insightful, and incisive approach. I will distill the complex into the relatable.

Campaigns & Advocacy

Identify your audience, understand your audience, find commonalities with your audience, relate to your audience, appeal to your audience, and convey your message in a way that speaks to your audience and stays true to who you are and in what you believe.

Speechwriting Etc.

Websites, Speeches, Talking Points, Campaign Materials

Policy Plans, Rollouts, Statements

Press Releases, Pitch Letters, LTEs, Op-Eds, Editorial Board Briefs

Advocacy Letters, Email Messages, Newsletters, and Collateral

Event & Vetting Briefs, Bios


The Whole Bird Briefing