
Knowing your audience is the key to effective communications. But how to do this is more of an art than a science. It takes insight, incisive listening, the propensity to see a story where others see data and to make that story resonate with the audience, and the ability to distill what matters most from a sea of information (and it’s always helpful to have someone else discard with the dispensable).

If you can understand the background, cares, and desires of your audience, you can focus on what matters most to them and frame what matters to you in a way that speaks to the concerns of your audience.

And when it comes to a campaign, while it is often most important to motivate those who already agree with your position (or would agree if they were aware), there will also be a segment of your target audience that can be persuaded. So why not try?

Persuasion is possible when we truly listen to one another. Persuasion is possible when we embrace our differences as well as our similarities to find common values and goals. Persuasion is possible when we try to understand the things that shape and drive opposing views. Using what we learn, we can craft a message that resonates and wins the day.

Working with candidate and issue campaigns, government, unions, business and media.

Saving the world, one good message at a time.
— Samantha Waterman, Whole Bird Communications