Texas Voting Info

Registration Deadline

Deadline Passed – Was October 5

Election-Day Registration


Request Mail Ballot & Deadline

Vote by Mail Application - Request must be Received by October 23, mail to Local Election Official

Early Voting Dates

October 13 - October 30 (varies by County), Cannot drop off vote-by-mail ballot on election day, but can surrender it at polling place or leave it at home and vote in person at polling place.

Early Voting Locations

Early Voting Locations Lookup HOWEVER, Texas Governor has closed all but one drop-off location per county and lawsuits to reverse that order are pending. E.g., Harris County Early Vote Locations (toggle between early vote locations and election day locations) until Governor’s order.

Mailed Ballots Deadline

Postmarked by November 3 and Received by November 4 or in person by October 30. Absentee ballots cannot be delivered in person after October 30, cannot be delivered in person on election day.

Election Day Vote In Person

November 3, 7am - 7pm

Election Day Polling Places

Look Up Polling Place

Photo ID Required

Photo ID Required (if no ID, vote provisional ballot which will be counted after voter shows photo ID within 6 days of election or signs natural disaster affidavit)

Additional Information

How to Vote in Texas