New sister website called Whole Bird Consulting, a condensed and updated version of what you see here. Click below.


Advocacy, Communications & Advice

Strategic advice. Keen messaging. Effective outreach. Sharp writing.


Whole Bird Communications helps clients achieve their goals and solve their problems, drawing on years of experience on the Hill, in polling and political law, on campaigns, and in government and advocacy. We advise on strategy, develop messaging, and draft speeches, press releases, briefings, and other communications and advocacy materials, digital and otherwise. We are expert at cultivating relationships with electeds, reporters, and stakeholders, and we are experienced representing candidates and officials with the public and the press. We enjoy the challenge of developing and shaping message and policy to tell a compelling story, illuminating common values and interests to rally supporters and sway skeptics. In everything we do, we strive for excellence and do our best work when employing our passion and enthusiasm to serve the greater good.


There’s a famous saying in politics: “I’m not for the left wing or the right wing. I’m for the whole bird.” I’ve got my own version since my home is decidedly on the left, but I find the sentiment compelling. I like to look to the right, perk up my ears, and listen for something that might be learned. Because…

I reside on the left wing, but I am rooting for the whole bird.



Learn about Whole Bird Communications and what we have to offer in communications, advocacy, and advice.

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Read our blog:

The Whole Bird Briefing

Musings from southern California on what’s what in national politics.